All corners of culture

Things I’ve Learnt

My First words were spattered with influence- “mama”, “dada”- a direct command, a pointed finger at those that would mould me and the world in which I would be created, post-birth, pre-growth, a blank canvas. By four I had already […]

A Chat With Sally Hewett

Art can be many things; comforting, challenging, beautiful etc. Sally Hewett’s art is uncensored in the furthest sense of the word. Her choice to make 3D pieces focused around the body is helping to challenge damaging taboos and expectations surrounding […]

Body Diary

(Photo by Alice Redfearn) 28/5/16 – 4:45pm Why is it that the very thing that gives me life, gives me the blood to rush and the muscles to contract, is the thing I detest? Why do I feel that the […]