Woman, writer, lit student, feminist, Patti Smith fanatic & wanna-be Chelsea Hotel babe.
Instagram- @lucyharbron_
Twitter- @lucyharbron
Rachelle Cox
18 year old amateur photographer n artist trying to make a difference in the world. Stuck in nostalgia, 70s daydreamer and positivity enthusiast. I am sorry if I tend to romanticise everything.
Instagram- @rach.e.lle / @rachellecoxstudios
Singer. Actor. Feminist. Sugar.
Instagram & Twitter- @lucassjones
Eliza Caraher
Probably in leopard print and pretending I’m cool. I just wanna create beautiful things with writing, film and photography. Often ranting about world issues or Quentin Tarantino’s genius.
Instagram- @elizacaraher
Twitter- @elizacaraher_
Inés Cardó
Inés Cardó is a Peruvian/Spanish 17-year old student born in La Paz, raised in Sao Paulo and currently based in Madrid, where she studies her last year of school, takes pictures and edits her zine, Heartbreak Nation. Her art is inspired by South America, mainstream and underground culture and her personal experiences.
Instagram- @inescardo
Tayla Halfacre
Tayla is an aspiring writer with a love for poetry. She currently writes for Affinity magazine alongside contributing for Kiloran and has a strong desire to help remove the stigma around mental health.
Instagram: @taylahalfacre
Twitter: @taylajhalfacre
Published: www.affinitymagazine.us/author/taylahl/
Personal Blog: www.taylahalfacre.blogspot.com
Fashion and Lifestyle Blog: www.seasonsonabudget.blogspot.com
Bridie Lonsdale
1)Trying to be a happy bean
2)Forever resorting to paper and pen to organise my thoughts, alas if only it were that easy
3)Don’t worry so much about number 2, there’s normally a band that’s already got your feelings nailed and made a song about it.
Instagram: @bridiemartha
Fred Ostrovski
Fred Ostrovskis is a writer of poetry and short stories, as well as a photographer that runs www.welcometo.gallery
Sophie Wilson
19-year-old English lit student who owns too many fashion magazines. I’m usually drinking tea and daydreaming about dead poets.
Instagram: slwilson
James Huxtable
18 y/o creative. I just played 8-Ball Pool on my phone for two hours instead of writing a bio. Will perform monologues in exchange for good coffee.
Twitter: james_huxtable
Instagram: jameshuxtable_
Cia Mangat
Short-sighted nerd usually found writing things while watching topical British satire programmes on Netflix. You know. Can be found pretending to know what she’s doing on instagram/her blog.
Instagram- probablycia
Jade Millard
15 y/o girl from London. Aspiring psychotherapist. I express my emotions through writing. Just trying to make people smile.
Instagram & Twitter – simplyjadeyx
Elizabeth Evans
Documentary filmmaker and photographer from north yorkshire
Inspired by documentaries I make short films and take photographs that capture the world from a different perspective in an attempt to evoke feelings and questions. shooting mainly on 35mm allows me to understand the meaning of every photo I take and be patient with my work. No matter where I go I tend to have a 35mm camera around me neck, I was once told that the best stuff always happens the moment you drop your guard, and I don’t want to risk that.
Jordan O’Shea
I try to do a lot of things creatively as I can never decide what I actually want to be. Because of this I am a film-maker, photographer, author, poet, musician, illustrator, and I own my own coffee shop and record label! To be honest, I think my title should just be ‘professional procrastinator’.
Instagram : jordanmoshea
Ethan Hemmati
Writer and student. Keep breathing.
Beth Waite
A poetry lover and aspiring artist, trying my best to evoke positivity and emotion through my work. I also love cute dogs, eighties music and clashing patterns.
Instagram: @beth_waite_ @starstruckcowboydreamer
Maya Kearney
I’m a physics student at Imperial College, London with an obsession for Pretty Little Liars and arty instagram accounts.
Alice Redfearn
18 year old art student who works in a museum and has an obsession with the film 500 days of summer. I enjoy pretty lights and am a strong believer that the best days end in rain.
Instagram: @merakiali
James Pollitt
Utopian, love-struck lyricist from Manchester, studying contemporary history and politics and just generally tryna make the world a better place.
Instagram: monkeys_and_morrissey
Laia Rodriguez
I find pieces of myself in cinema, photography, literature and art. Always creating and willing to learn. Nature lover and a tiny big fighter.
Instagram- @mgritte
Simmy Hoonjan
A 16 year old who is trying to create herself, advocate self love and promote creativity.
Instagram- @simmyhoonjan
Twitter- @posi_simmy
Hope Naisbitt
like coffee, hiking, yoga, hammocking and photography. I am an American soul trapped inside a British exterior and the definition of granola. CARPE DIEM
Clarissa U
My name is Clarissa U. I’m 19 and I live in NYC and I am currently an up and coming writer. Aside from writing I like to watch anime and I read a lot.
Instagram @clairvoyantclarissa
Nabeela Saghir
My penchant for sunsets, the ocean and notebooks are just a small nuance of who I am since my identity is constantly fluctuating. And I believe that it’s due to the fact that this generation of Millennials are lost. So I read literature in order to find myself and I write so that I can build a new world where creativity, colour and magic can be revived once again.
Twitter- @nabsticle
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