Lucy Harbron
Editor & Founder
Woman, writer, student, feminist, burlesque baby & wanna-be Chelsea Hotel girl.
Insta : @lucyharbron_
Twitter : @lucyharbron
Rachelle Cox
Storyteller, artist & photographer attempting to make a difference in the world. I am sorry if I tend to romanticise everything.
Insta : @rach.e.lle
Gemma Allison
A feminist, burlesque babe exploring female sexuality, body image and mental health through nude photography and poetic ramblings
Insta : @peaches_derriere
Emily Bashforth
I’ve had a passion for writing for as long as I can remember. I enjoy the challenge of creating something fresh that doesn’t exist and the sense of achievement I get once a piece is complete. I have my own blog and I have also written for various other publications. I enjoy writing about social issues surrounding feminism, LGBTQ+ rights and mental health, as well as giving advice. When I’m not writing, I love listening to music, reading and educating myself on the world in which I live.
Twitter : @EmilyBashforth
Insta : @EmilyBashforth
Elizabeth Corrall
I’m a photographer with a desire for the beauty in daily life and the surreal sense of vanity we feel in this beauty. Collector of knitwear and ugly trousers. Can likely be found roasting chickpeas.
Naomi Crisp
18 year old Linguistics and Philosophy nerd from Brighton, currently living in a green backpack while exploring the South of India. My current goals are to eat dhal for every meal, write world-inspired poetry every day, learn to read and write Tamil, and to reach enlightenment. So far the dhal has been a real success.
Insta : @thesecretpoetryclub
Jasmin Deans
One of those studying English lit at Sheffield uni. you’ll find me spending my entire student loan on wine, or pretty books, or both. Not capitalising my ‘I’s until I regain a sense of self-worth.
Elizabeth Evans
Documentary filmmaker and photographer from North Yorkshire.
Inspired by documentaries I make short films and take photographs that capture the world from a different perspective in an attempt to evoke feelings and questions. shooting mainly on 35mm allows me to understand the meaning of every photo I take and be patient with my work. No matter where I go I tend to have a 35mm camera around me neck, I was once told that the best stuff always happens the moment you drop your guard, and I don’t want to risk that.
Jakob Grant
20 year old social media manager and freelance photographer based in London via Middlesbrough
Insta : @jakob__grant
Tayla Halfacre
Tayla is an aspiring writer with a love for poetry. She currently writes for Affinity magazine alongside contributing for Kiloran and has a strong desire to help remove the stigma around mental health.
Insta : @taylahalfacre
Twitter : @taylajhalfacre
Megan Hemsley
Artist, feminist, lover of the colour orange.
Insta : @mjvhemsley
Karis Hopkinson
Insta : @karishopkinson
James Huxtable
19 y/o creative. I just played 8-Ball Pool on my phone for two hours instead of writing a bio. Will perform monologues in exchange for good coffee.
Twitter : james_huxtable
Insta : jameshuxtable_
Lucas Jones
Singer. Actor. Feminist. Sugar.
Insta & Twitter : @lucassjones
Charlotte Knowles-Cutler
Charlotte studies Theology in Sheffield. When she’s not writing about sex and mental health, she roams around old churches, collects pretty stationary and chases the illusive vegan Ben & Jerry’s.
Mackenzie Lad
Mackenzie Lad is a photographer, writer, and journalism student in Montreal, Canada. She spends her time reading overdue library books on the bus, and empties her wallet shooting film. She questions everythings. Drop her a line, she wants to hear your story.
Insta : @macklad
Millie Law
A Geography student who spends most of the time obsessing over how to save the environment, an increasing amount of time trying to be creative, but tbh a lot of time just being lazy
Insta : millileeks
Twitter : millielaw_x
Pippa Le Grand
Aspiring historian attempting to write. Can usually be found in art galleries, or arguing with you about art.
Bridie Lonsdale
Kate Moss enthusiast, Pre-Raphaelites lover, and aspiring writer of words from near and far.
Insta : @bridiemartha
Jade Millard
16 y/o creative from London. Expressing my emotions through writing, whilst trying to make others smile. Aspiring psychotherapist and poet.
Insta & Twitter : @simplyjadeyx
Hope Naisbitt
21 y/o living my best life in London. Writer, photographer and proud barista.
Insta & Twitter : @hopenaisbitt
Taylor Ogle
Taylor is a student at the University of Sheffield studying archaeology. She grew up in the United States and moved to the United Kingdom to pursue an education and a sense of adventure. After living for a year in London, she uprooted and moved to the North in order to find a place better suited for her and her recovering mental health. Tay enjoys poetry, soft yellow light, dungarees, and early morning train journeys.
Insta : @taylor._ogle
Fred Ostrovskis
Creative writer of poetry and novels I never finish
Holly Parkinson
Physicist, feminist, riot grrl guitarist and ambitious introvert. likes glitter. a nobel prize winner once told me I draw nice graphs.
Writer, poet and occasional artist from Brighton, UK.
Insta : @tonystarkinson / @hollybluebellparkinson
Twitter : @ParkinsonHB
Alice Redfearn
Art student who works in a museum and has an obsession with the film 500 days of summer. I enjoy pretty lights and am a strong believer that the best days end in rain.
Insta : @merakiali
Ashirbad Roy
Northern boy studying in London. On lonely nights, misses home and his cat.
Insta : @ashirbadboy
Sophie Wilson
20-year-old English lit student who owns too many fashion magazines. I’m usually drinking tea and daydreaming about dead poets.
Insta : slwilson
Niamh Wishart
Student from the North East with a big love for words, dogs, glitter and gay things.
Declan Woodward-Brown
I’m really interested in African studies and history, and politics in general, which is a passion I kinda like to talk about in my work.
Also thank you to Holly Haynes, Mees Peijnenburg, and Saskia Phokou for allowing us to use their art
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