Although the nature of this metaphorical poetry may portray this particular love as an object of envy, upon reflection of this past relationship, I can conclude that it is not. I wrote this poem over two years ago, after a break up with the first person I had ever felt strong romantic feelings for. The “Crashing, rippling and thrashing” described, were the symptoms of a doomed, emotionally manipulative relationship from both individuals. Romanticism of the past is an element of life that we can all admit to being guilty of. However, when it comes to love and relationships- particularly among young people- this is something which should not be taken lightly. All poets, from Duffy to Kaur, are culprits of this common tendency, yet this had not become aware to me until after rediscovering my own thoughts. Lies, deceit and a lack of trust weaved their way through this specific relationship, however my poem depicts a loving relationship in which passion is the primary drive. These contradictory viewpoints, both from myself, highlight the worrying significance of romanticising the past, and how it can be threatening to your perception of the world, along with the relationships which surround you.
The fact of the matter is that there never has been “another glorious storm”; there has been beaming sunlight, intercepted by a few instances of rain, which make the sun even more worthwhile. This therefore recognises the belief that something brighter is always coming, and romanticism of the past can do nothing but distort your views of the future.
By Beth Waite